i Wasn'T,
LOOking For,
aNyOne, buT,
You KeEp On,
SaYiNg We,
wiLL Be togeTheR,
but WhaT noW? .
You trY,
to ConsOLe Me,
wiTh YouR,
StUpiD Words.
aLL You saiD,
Was Lies,
YOu Keep On,
HurTing My FeeLinGs.
You saiD You,
will NeVer tuRned,
Back TiMe,
bUt What YOu Did.
You KeeP on,
ReMinDinG me,
How StupiD,
i aM Of HaviNg You.
I, tOO, haVe BeeN,
TrYiNg To ChaNGe,
ThiNgs JusT fOr You,
tO Be PrOud Of Me.
You neVer TRy,
to aCCePt Me,
aNd i Was So StuPiD,
Of LEttIng MyseLf HuRt By You.
jade MOnteScLArOS