Sandra Martyres - Madoff LLC

2014-11-08 4

Bernie Madoff has become a household name
And the questions raised are the same
How did he manage to gain so much clout
With large investors without raising a doubt
How could he have for so long and so blatantly
Abused the trust of the rich and the gentry
After all he had used the age old Ponzi Scheme
To put paid to many a client’s financial dream
Were the regulators napping at the wheel
While Madoff LLC diligently set out to steal
For the common man what is even more amazing
Is the ease with which the billions went missing
There are still no clear explanations or indications
As to how or why the fraud went long undetected
But finally when an insider spilt the beans
The authorities quickly and efficiently did intervene
Reams of paper evidencing fraud and client records
Were produced before the courts along with witnesses
The Judgement was clear despite his advancing age
And his apology he will spend his life confined to a cage

Sandra Martyres

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