a man died in a car crash, and climbed
the stairs to heaven, and found he could'nt get in.
he said: i am a locksmith, and i could
make keys to all locks.
saint peter answered: yes, but here you have but just to knock.
in life you was a locksmith and forged many a key
but all the lives you hurt is something you did not see.
you took pride and boasted, that there
was not a door you could not open.
but here in heaven all your boasts go unheard
for in the LORD, you have not practiced his word.
you opened the hearts and souls of many a life
not caring if you hurt them, and the pain
they would go through.
when all you had to do was, was forge
the keys to the words of the LORD
and to practice what he preached.
but! you chose instead to be a common leach.
to cling on to man, and suck the blood
from their souls, then to laugh
as they went out of control.
you controlled their lives, for you said you had the keys
when you knew in your mind, with the LORD
it could never be.
you bragged that you had the keys
to all the locks around,
but! here in heaven, there's not one to be found.
so now i think it's time you turn yourself around.
descend these steps that you thought that
you could climb.
for you are condemned until the end of time.
for you are the devil in sheeps clothing
and thought that GOD would not see
the lives you destroyed
when you could have been set free.
louis rams