Rommel Mark Dominguez Marchan - **** MOTHER WEEPS ON NET CAFE

2014-11-08 32

My heart feels sorrow
for all young children and teen-age adults
losing much time excessively
in computer games
snatched from shallow joys
inside highly -commercial gaining
internet cafe

I extend pity for their losing future
as they escape from school laurel activities
and stolen by things that
give transient pleasure
molding brains into warriors
absorbed from war-like game heroes
and aggressive immortal foes
and addicting idolized fancy characters
far beyond to the real world
that they are heading to

Then, at no surprise
a mother with teary eyes
bringing graduation gifts and
circlet of flowers and decorative garlands
knocking at game station
net cafe's door
weeping and looking for her son
who miss the distinctive secondary
commencement exercise march..........

Rommel Mark Dominguez Marchan