GREENWOLFE 1962 - The Girl With Wondrous Glow

2014-11-08 2

I found her there in springtime.
A wondrous time, you know.
My love in all her gloried form
With such a wondrous glow.

She had no special treasures
That other girls possess.
But she was always doing things
I valued none the less.

She always held me firmly,
But gently in her arms.
I never felt she knew how much
I valued all her charms.

She spoke in tender whispers.
A vocal tone so sweet.
She told me all the things she loved,
The things I won't repeat.

Though just a country bumpkin,
She wasn't dumb at all.
I thought she would have done quite well
At any prom or ball.

I would have had her join me,
But never got the chance.
She died in autumn, late that year;
Before our Christmas dance.

She lives again each springtime.
That's when she blooms, you know.
I see her in the flowers.
The Girl With Wondrous Glow.