I need you dear to patiently listen to me
I am just an old and lonely lady.
Indeed I do have family living around me
But none has time for me, a poor old lady
My children and grandchildren are always busy
Their life style leaves me feeling dizzy
They zoom around in their fancy cars
They say they need to reach out for the stars
In their high speed rat race and money chase
For me there is neither a role nor any place
My presence is cramping their life style
I need to leave and go away for a while
Then perhaps if they do miss me
They may even change their attitude towards me
If they do not, I will no effort spare
To find another home where people care
Hopefully I will then be more at ease
Among caring people, less difficult to please.
But for now my dear please sit right here
And help me to overcome my depression and fear
Sandra Martyres