In this world they are to many people who like to live with bullshit, keeps bullshit going in order to make them feel as if life will be better or more complete.
If you are not happy with your life, then it is up to you to make a change and try to find a place of being happy, life is too short for the bullshit and it comes with to many other problems then to just let it go.
I choose to live my life to its fullness of being me without the other bullshit that people want to place on me so this was written for you.
If you like the smell of bullshit keep it in your home, in your job, in your car, hang out with bullshit, your bullshit friends as well and in your life but I will not be force fed bullshit no matter who has it or brings it so please keep your bullshit ways I do not have the energy or the time for it and by the way you do you and allow me to do me.
Kimbaline Navas (she who waits)