JAMES T. ADAIR - You're In My Heart

2014-11-08 21

I thought about you today
I think about you all the time
I miss you whenever I do

You're in my heart
Not just like words
but you're in my emotions

When I reach out to someone
to lend a helping hand
I think of you, and hope you're OK

When I feel lonely I remember you
and feel you in my heart
like you're there with me though we never met

You gave me the greatest gift:
Your care
Your friendship

It's one of the sweetest things in life
and my only misgiving is that I can't sometime be by your side
to take pleasure in your smile and in your every little nuance

because you're a miracle in my life
and I miss you this moment
So be happy and smile for me, because I wish I could see

Part of my heart, you'll always be

© James T. Adair

