saadat tahir - First and only

2014-11-08 1

My first love I’v forever lost!
I sit hushed, endure the cost.

Gone she! to the merry ways
In other arms she now sways.

Vacant rantings at muse’s shrine
Oh! I ail for her smile to shine

Left me tattered, hollow an bare
As she giggles to the Sunday fair

What? the promises that she made!
By the windmill, chewing a blade

Eyes I saw were gleaming twinkles,
Enchanting smile, an those dimples.

Lay there us for hours on end
Promising she, her hand to lend

My heart is broken and it bleeds
Crushed like our bedding reeds

O’ why she whispered all those lies?
O’ why can’t she hear my cries?

Ecstasy’s traded, given me gloom
Forsaken world that sent me doom?

Why ought this; happen to me?
I surmise! Should I really be?

Shall she mourn, as I’m no more?
Or pluck the fruits, by her door

(April 20,2009)

saadat tahir