Emma Jane Rae - cheated once to often!

2014-11-08 1

you wore her down,
to a shadow of who she was,
she no longer laughs,
she no longer smiles,
she spends all day in doors,
to ashamed to leave,
because she feels forced,
then one day an argument starts,
and he hits the roof,
the anger burning up inside him,
then suddenly everything is dim,
his voice seems far away,
hes shouting so loud,
in her face,
finaly this is the day,
to face facts and be the better person,
to leave this abusive cheat,
so as she climbs up onto her feet,
she walks into her room,
shutting the door behind her,
her eye is slowly closing,
the bruise is becoming blue,
she feels anger, hurt and pain,
she cant let him do this again,
the cheating hurts,
but the beatings are worse,
she has to get away from this mad man,
she has it in her, i know she can,
so she packs her bags,
and is ready to leave,
she walks past the bully boy,
struggling to breath,
he gets up and laughs in her face,
saying she cant live without him,
and shel be back tonight,
thats when she feels the power,
not to loose the fight,
she knows he doesn't own her,
she can do what she likes,
she doesn't need him,
he can go back to the local bike,
so walk away,
shut the door behind,
because shes gone, and hes all alone,
the time is goin slow,
and she may feel low,
but atleast everyone,
now knows whats hes like,
because she had the strength,
to tell him to take a hike,
without him her life is back on track,
still with her dignity still in tact! !

Emma Jane Rae


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