You said let’s love each other forever
But just not right now
But if we’re too love each other forever
But not yet then how
I said I’m not scared of anything
But have a phobia of expressing myself to them
Defeating the purpose like J. Sullivan’s album fearless
When she’s scared of loving him
You said you love me unconditionally
But you hate me when I act dumb
You said you wanted an apple
When you really wanted a plum
You said you wanted to go to the movies
But yet your mind told you just a walk
You thought I wanted to be amused
While you wanted to have a nice talk
I just don’t understand sometimes
And I all I want to know
Is how can it be your asking me to feel
Things you never show
I’m taking the forbidden parks or Backroads
And driving in your mind is making me sick
I just want you to show me the meaning
As said by A.J. Bryan Kevin Howie and Nick
I need you to tell me want you want
So that you can be glad
Instead of telling me the opposite
As your excuse for being mad
I even try to dodge past your sharp mind
Like I parry past pointy picked pencils
Just please be straightforward with your decision
Instead of always sending me mixed signals
Please Comments! ! ! !
Copyright (c) 04/13/09 Corey Threet
Corey Threet