Dhanesh (trying to be) poet - with Enchanter

2014-11-08 1

It was not raining but sky was a big cloud
I heard my name and looked into the crowd
Saw you right there...waving in purple and blue
Agone, we wished to be each other's shroud.

Puzzled and amazed were me and you
the spellbound past did us accrue
and blinked in my eyes was you...
you as glowing as the morning dew.

I played the song which made us met
You told me things you would never forget
thou m not tranquil but your talks were placid
many were blur in memory and few silhouette.

it felt same.. the caresses that you shower
it felt same.. touch of the smiling flower
me stil the puzzle & you stil rhetorical question
it felt same again... when with u.. the enchanter.

- -
Dhanesh Aradhye
(14 Apr 2009)

Dhanesh (trying to be) poet


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