Francis Duggan - Nature's Beauty Being Destroyed

2014-11-08 195

They know little of life and even less of Nature though they have what matters most
And that is heaps of money something worthy of a boast
For money speaks every language as some are known to say
That's how it is and will remain in the World of today.

Mature trees to them are just trees for development for to be cut down
For to build another industrial estate in the outskirts of the town
In their greed for money if wildlife they dispossess they do not even care
Of how Nature works and of Nature's ways people like them unaware.

Nature's beauty being destroyed by those with greed for money and power and that does seem sad to say
And those with heaps of money it does seem never fail to have their way
If they loved Nature more than self gain and power a better World it would surely be
To them another creature is expendable and a tree is just a tree.

Climate change is rampant in the World from north to southern shore
And Nature who has many friends of enemies seem to have more
Our price it may be too high to pay for the stupidity of human greed
In this time of global warming and climate change this is something we do not need.

Francis Duggan