Go back' ordered emissary of Lord,
when brought to him tied in cord,
'Is this all you are send to perform'
with furious face and very heavy words
Still days left and time not ripe,
many more you to kill and also to wipe,
rape, arsen and loot with heavy foot,
also cold murder with heavy shoot,
You have not spared child and insane,
all pleading for mercy all into vain.
All you did not to earn fame
Creator being I, still name my blame,
You were not afraid and trap you laid,
bad act you perform which never said,
Have you to so suffer for sinful act?
plead you may more not with fact,
I may watch from here,
you may perform there,
will not end life even time run out,
kicks you may get still not you rout,
You may act bad and not feel sad,
rejoice at a fall abuse you recall,
never you think down, you may have fall,
no one will hear and you may so fear
I may come there and will born again,
bless for you all and glory to regain,
take you all in fold, lead to noble path,
No need to dip or take holy bath,
I may be drowned in deep water,
laden with heavy and thorny crown,
nails may pierce body with hot red iron,
people may shout kill and still frown,
hasmukh amathalal