On the outside I'm an ordinary teenager. Dark hair Dark eyes
But on the inside who am I?
I'm bright but dimming hot but chilling alive but dying.
I was cold dark and dead but then i found that light ahead.
That light was my healing but now its killing
Its killing me slowly. Pushing and pushing my life away.
I suffer this feeling day by day.
She breaks me down till i have no legs she folds me up and tosses me away.
She tells me she loves me but then she hurts me.
She tells me she needs me but then she leaves me.
She gives me that false hope of love then she tears it away.
Why does my heart want to stay
Why does it beat after she tears a part of it away
I'm a guy who wishes want and cries
I'm am a guy that deserves alot more but settles for alot less
James Davis