Rommel Mark Dominguez Marchan - *** WHEN I LOOK INTO YOUR EYES

2014-11-08 1

I see a woman who accept
All sides of me
Longing when will I fulfill
My commitment first
Written in the wind

I see into your eyes
Of what you want
A home for the future
A comfort zone when you’re down
A pace to be loved with
Unselfish heart

Relationships develop so fast
Push – no time for tomorrow
Feel each warmth today
But wait
Please read my mind
I can’t hold my pen
It is running ……..
I steal your name
And read this all over again


A – ARG, in you I see
The strength of my weakness
R – remember without you
I would survive but in midst of loneliness
G - Glad to be a full-grown man
Wrapped in your arms
E - Every new day from the start
Is our pleasant memory
E – Enough that you bind now
With love
What more could I want?

You are ever with me
I smell your smell
Touch your touch
Two hearts have met
Souls have melted
Into one

You keep me alive
And you even change my tears into wine
A wine of joy
We both drink for a lifetime

My childish act
Vanish away
Replace with adulthood
And responsibility
I have nothing to worry;
You’re here with me
To face my shadowy future
Without fear but a manly heart

Thank you for sharing me
Ample chances
(despite of what am I)
To look into your eyes
So I can see
Where I have been
And where I am going

When I look Into Your Eyes
Is a poem of acceptance, contentment,
Patience, decision, fear and love
For my friend, my lover and
My wife

my “yours” Argee

Rommel Mark Dominguez Marchan