Barry A. Lanier - bfont color=redLiving Life With Barry II

2014-11-08 12

Well, such an interesting week this one.
Having a counseling class with thirteen
women and the topic of discussion was
sex and relationships. I was like a little boy
in the candy store. I couldn't believe these
mostly younger women confessing that a guy
mentioning sex turned them off, yet size and
motion of the ocean mattered, and they all
wanted my opinion. Why, ladies of my age
want to know what is wrong that you are not
bringing up the topic! But, I did validate that which
I already presumed about women both young
and older. Fine, means 'I am right', the discussion
is over, and you need to shut up. Of course when
a woman says 'That's OK' you are in very dangerous
territory. It means she's thinking long and hard about
what your punishment is going to be. When she says
'Nothing', get ready because discussions beginning
with 'Nothing' end in 'Fine'. Non-verbal cues like a
sigh, mean you're an idiot and she's wasting her time
arguing with you about nothing(See Above) . Well, I am
exhausted and these ladies have given me much to
think about. Have I really been thinking about sex daily
for the last 55 years? No wonder I am so tired! See you
next week. Keep the passion flowing, the peas in the pot,
and the ham cooking.

Barry A. Lanier