Jimmy Hoffa - Edward Cullen (from the movie)

2014-11-08 4

Edward be my Valentine,

Your skin is white and pasty
You remind me that I smell quite tasty
Edward be my Valentine

You can't read my mind
Your trapped in time
Edward be my Valentine,

Your skin is as cold as a winter wind chilling to all that come to near
You eat baby deer
Edward be my Valentine,

You drink human blood
You've also eaten bear cubs
Edward be my Valentine,

I love you more than words can tell
Although you never look quite well
Edward be my Valentine,

I'm lost in your eyes
Not sure of time
Edward be my valentine,

Your face is scary
Your arms are hairy
Edward be my valentine,

You wish to drink my blood
I'd rather you chew cud
Edward be my valentine,

Jimmy Hoffa
