Kuji soliman - ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! FEAR! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

2014-11-08 2

the feeling i hate the most
the feeling i have most of the time,
that feeling is the worst
it's like a bell's shime,
inside the head of the person that feels FEAR!

makes all the darkness appear,
it feels like noone's here,

No laughter, no smiles
no happiness, no succes

fear, what a horrible feeling,
a feeling that shakes the seeling
it's so strong
it's also so wrong!

who wants to live in the darkness of fear?
soon, if everyone is scared, the humains will disapear,
who knows what's next?
God only could complete this text...

(thankyou for reading my poem, enjoy)

Kuji soliman
