Night hidden behind that hillock
Hasn't peeped out so far
The ocean of darkness
Hasn't become turbulent till now
As yet black snakes
Hanging from arms of the clock
Stare at us with red ambers of their eyes
As yet with bated breath
The wolf of time
Waits behind blood-strewn sand dunes
For ripped-open body of the sun.
Surrounded by shadows - green and fresh
The shimmering cold water in the blue lake
Has as yet not become
Acquainted with
Swelling waves of strangeness
In our eyes.
Welcome...... as it is......
The frozen caravan of silent moments
And the unacquainted water
Pay heed to me, O stranger,
My co- traveller
Ere the silent ticking of the clock
Turns into an explosion
And declares the sun's demise,
Shall we
Preserve through the camera's eye
This meeting of ours
On the blind screen of feelings......
With the waning, blood-red
Picture of receding evening's myriad scenes?
And thus fill the empty cup
Of our desires with innocent happiness?
(1975, Translated by Dr. Satyapal Anand)
Naseer Ahmed Nasir