Lonnie Hicks - Backward Eyes

2014-11-08 4

Your eyes are on backwards
always looking in

Your heart has been misplaced.

I cannot find your hands in the touch.

Your face is multi-leveled
confusing me.

I have sent birds
looking for your Soul.

How could you not love me?

I hear your foot-falls
move toward my door
but then hesitate
reverse and walk away.

You start to call
and my phone
does not ring.

Your kiss
slides off
off my face.

How can you unlove me?

Can my story be untold;
my heart unbeat for you?

How can this be?

All of this
has rushed in from
the Bad Future
which has ruined
the tiny present
we once had.

And I struggle here
trying to make my story
not real;

whose ending
the lone
on the battle field
but not
down yet.

Lonnie Hicks
