Hazily warm this serene afternoon.
No early leaf sways around windless tree,
But what do I see shyly zooming
Around bare branches - robin, eyeing me.
Lake is a mass of feathered white flock.
Schools of learner-birds, prior to mating time
Scrapping with fervour, noisily shocking
Behavioural display under a shining
Spring sun imposing it's urgent instinct
On males. The pale females look on and wait.
Then blackbird gives voice to his frequently
Forward intent. Lady blackbird takes note.
Chaffinch warily eyes crumbs, patiently
Held in my hand, then lands, and I explode
With excitement. Next instant the robin
Comes calling, and cheekily eats a load
Of dry biscuit I offer, amiably bobbing
His head toward mine. Paradise walks earn
Top marks in the real life for which I yearn.
Fay Slimm