RIC S. BASTASA - do not wear a sad face

2014-11-08 2

i know sometimes
just like the seasons: this winter and summer
and spring and fall,
we change, we are governed by the laws of change
no doubt, but we can also choose what we want to be

i choose not to wear a sad face
i choose happiness
i choose bliss, i choose joy, i choose to be

the happy child of God, his joyful man, his smiling servant
there are sad moments
but there is no reason to be sad

this free will
wills to be happy, and no one, not even the devil
that lurks in the sad corners of sorrows
can take that disposition away from us

for in truth
the true child of God is the happy one
because he is loved
and every moment he is well taken cared of
more than the sparrows
whose only abundance
is found in the feathers
whose only home
is the nest
whose only treasure
are the clouds

