I'll not ever know
why your heart turned;
why that door closed.
I'll not know if it was cruelty
or my own frailties.
But even if I knew
it was you
how could I reform
Could I convince you that
you and I were best
and that she was
at best
and in time
take that same heart
that shunned me
and rip it
out and hand it back to you?
How can I predict this
and even if true
would my own anger
accept you back
for you
or only if I did
it would be
an empty victory lap
and not you
I'd want.
If you were in fact not right for me
for whatever reasons there might be
I was right for you only in retrospect
since she had
lain in your bed
she had changed the you
I used to know
into the you
she'd hurt
and that is not the you
I'd want.
In all of this I am the me
I'd always been
the me I love best.
Hurt and harmed
and trembling
I 'm probably a better me
than you are a better you.
Much to ponder here
in this lonliness.
Lonnie Hicks