2014-11-08 2

Old faces I saw every day
Although I barely knew their names,
I noticed when they were not there
And each did leave a void,
Within my life I missed their smiles
The conversations that we shared,
I knew they must have passed away
And gone to meet their Lord.

Old faces warmed me from the cold
I felt through winter's darkest months,
They all did bring a chink of light
To spare me from my woes,
They never knew a mere 'hello'
Was gold unto my lonely ear,
For it did break the frozen spell
Then cast upon my life.

Old faces that held sympathy
For me through deepest times of need,
Who gave me comfort when alone
But now they come no more,
Yet I was blessed to know them all
And one day we shall meet again,
To talk about those years now passed
And happy times we shared.

Old faces rest in peace my friends
I know you're in a better place,
Yet sometimes feel your presence here
Unless my mind runs wild,
I look unto the stars above
If you can hear I send my thanks,
For I shall not forget you
Nor the joy you gave to me.