Amit Jaiswal - I want to be Alone

2014-11-08 3

Don't want to meet you in group,
Don't want to meet you alone.

Don't want you in my dreams,
Don't want you in my thoughts.

Don't want you in my tears,
Don't want you in my smile.

Don't want you to be reason of my life,
Don't want you to be reason of my death.

Don't want to be a superman in your love,
Don't want to be DevD in your pain.

Don't want to be someone special,
Don't want to be someone's special.

Don't want to invest for handkerchiefs,
Don't want to become poorer at this recession time.

Don't want to be an unclaimed article at public place,
Don't want to explode into tears when touched by you.

I saw beyond what I can see in the mirror,
saw the image what you can see in the mirror.

Go away, go away from my inspiration,
Don't want to become a poet.

All I want is to be Alone.

Amit Jaiswal