Anita Atina - From wanderlust to stillness

2014-11-08 1

If you know
The chasm between yearning and reality
You’d know there are days, very little bridges
The dark valley

I don’t watch my step too carefully, these days
When it means looking down at the dark
Instead I gingerly step ahead
Facing the sun

Knowing, if I were to fall
The light would still shine on me
An earth angel would find me
Bruised, but still there, ready to walk the way

What is life then
But this journey
Of light, of continuing with
Discoveries perched on the horizon

Expanding with every sunrise
Beckoning at every sunset
Sowing wanderlust since time immemorial
Immersed in calls - of the wild, of the mountains!

Different names for the same yearning
Seeking hidden meanings
That play hide and seek, when we look for them
Becoming evident, when we find that still place in our hearts

For in that stillness there is light
The whole world of meaning resides
Or maybe nothing does!
And may your path be different from mine

For when we meet in the great hall
Of love and life, we may have rich offerings
By living full lives; we bring the gift, of serving well
The purpose of life!

Anita Atina