Played out like a caricature
Dancing a duet of two steps
Wondrous fleeting of footing
Designing play doh concepts
Yet happy toes tap, parading
Stiff heal of proper posture
Atop the world over
Held of high grand stature
A gem of secrets hidden
Like a jewel in the rough
Delicate of the eye, it shines
Of strength, it proves, so tough
Masculine of muscle form
Drawn too, with utter weakness
Staggering on feline feet
Into arms open fortress
Interlaced with finger embrace
Cradled in a cartoon dance
Bated breath of passions bud
Birthing that, of silly romance
Not unlike, child of love
Preoccupied, pleased of play
Thine heart of earth's purest mud
To hand mold, as moistened clay
Squeeze not, this delicate matter
Handle please, with utmost care
Forming just like plastercine
Us, a cartoon caricature pair
Copyright 2009 W. Bureau
Wendy Bureau