Red, white, and blue
The colors of my country
All together they equal
The stars and stripes of
The United States of America
Red is for our blood
Whether pumping in my body
Or being spilt during war
White is for the flash of teeth
Whether smiling in happiness
Or grimacing in pain
Blue is for the trickling of tears
Whether cried from laughter
Or from the pain of lost ones
Red, white, and blue
May not stand for pleasant things
But they are the colors of my flag
And when I stare up at it
Soaring high above my head
I can't stop the prick of tears
Appearing in my eyes, so full of pride
Every morning I proudly say,
'I pledge allegiance to the flag
Of the United States of America
And to the Republic for which it stands
One nation under God, indivisible
With liberty and justice for all! '
When I speak this my heart swells
And I know I mean every word I say
I am proud to be an American
And I would die for my
Red, white, and blue flag
Layla Stone