She is the Virgin in the Storm,
the new calf
in the middle of the lion hunt,
the only person in Hell
who doesn't belong there.
She is the white chalk outline
at the murder scene,
the six heart pile-up on the freeway
where she walks away unharmed.
She's the girl who brought a book
to the party.
Yet, she is not cynical
has no scars
walks through life
She is the girl who loves me
taught me how push back every storm;
quiet lions;
quell Satan;
stop chalk line murders;
practice heart safety,
to read books at book parties.
live quietly
drawing sunshine
from dark places,
look evil in the eye
neither to cringe
nor strike out,
keep my courage up;
not wring the life out of Now
for fear of Yesterday
or Tomorrow.
I lay down with her each night
and absorb all this in the
gentle twilight
her hand in my hand
'If' she said
'You are hit with a purple shaft
in the heart
take it out
and see if there is someone close by
you can help.
If your luck is bad
savor it
for the good luck
will be the sweeter more.
She said'
life is long
if your tolerance is short;
extend your self' she said
'across this universe
and it
will unfold for you.'
This was her gift
and that was
her comfort in living
taking what came her way
and absorbed all things
the bad
and the good.
Some people
simply have a talent
a talent for living.
Lonnie Hicks