Greg Oosterhouse - 'As We March on to Glory'

2014-11-08 8

As we face this goliath,
On this dark, clouded day,
As he does impose his will,
This is what we shall say:

We will not be afraid,
For the Lord is on our side.
Through the darkest nights,
He'll ever be our guide.
Our trust in Him we will never hide,
As we march on to Glory!

The enemy, he is near.
Our gates are busted through.
As he overwhelms us,
This is what we will do:

We will take up the cross
Right to the point of death.
We will praise His great name,
Yes, with our final breath.
We will bring the Word down to the lowest depth,
As we march on to Glory!

As the Lord, He does guide us
To the great victory,
We will shout 'Hallelujah! ',
Us all on bended knee.

We will shout to the hills,
So the stars they will hear.
We will sing paeans
To the One we love dear.
We will never stop 'til the whole Earth gives a cheer,
As we march on to Glory!

Lord, in all I do, may the glory go to You. Amen.
©: Greg Alan Oosterhouse,3-3-2009

Greg Oosterhouse

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