It hit me this morning...
she's really turning 20 today.
How can that be when I still see her
riding her brothers dirtbike
over the ramps [and inevitably wiping out]...
all with a proud smile on her face
as the boys watch on with disbelief
that she had the courage to try
again and again
until she made a successful jump.
Now enlisted
in the United States Air Force,
ready to leave in May...
she amazes me.
Her strength to endure whatever life throws at her.
Her ability to laugh in the face of those who say 'You can't.'.
Her courage to take those steps she must take alone
in order to become the woman she aspires to be.
My daughter is turning 20 today.
I hope she knows how proud I am of her:
for the daughter she's been-
for the woman she is-
for the soul she's become-
Happy Birthday Chelsey.
I love you.
Mary Nagy