David Taylor - ask who?

2014-11-08 0

As a match lit in a deep and darkened forest
shines briefly and makes such shadows
that flicker in the imagination and lend to
the most beautiful of flora a fearful aura;

and as through the night we watch the stars
and catch them in a net like heart that
vibrates in heavenly harmonious chords
bending moon beams to the earth;

and poets flock upon the morning light
each with their foretelling of the end of night
until in noonday sun we know
it is not that sun which comes or goes;

we knew not what we know
and thought we knew
what names and forms do show
that suns come up and moons shadows creep
and only the stars can heaven meet;

until in noonday sun we knew
and knowing which all time stood still
and there was no one left to tell,
then a simple question asked
swiftly summoned back the dark.

David Taylor


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