jade MOnteScLArOS - ♥ ♥ ..come BAck..♥ ♥

2014-11-08 1

what You HAve DOne?

you LeAve Us LIke This,

ThEre Must BE A MistaKe,


DepRessIon aNd ProBleMs,

Just TeLL US, EverYthIng Will BE Fine,

That you HAve MAde A hUGe Mistake,

That You WiLL coMe BAck to us.

But The BEAtiNg of mY hEart,

The ThroBbIng In My BraiN,

As i UndErstaNd evRything,

AboUt The REaliTy.

I wiLL be HeaLed wiTh PAin,

uNtIl then i sEE NohIng,

heaR NothIng,

FeEl NothiNg.

that You Don”t WAnt US,

teLL ME is This TrUe?

You kNow i wiLL be SAd,

aNd waNt You To Come BAck.

YouR The OnLy pieCe MissiNg,

In Our Big PuZzLe,

So PLeaSE Come BAck,

FathER Come BAck.

jade MOnteScLArOS
