Sandra Martyres - Neighbours

2014-11-08 1

In metropolitan cities they say
It is easier to walk out on a bad marriage
Than to be rid of a bad neighbour
The former is resolved by separation or divorce
But the latter means running an unending rocky course
Since good apartments are difficult to find
We found ourselves in a dreadful bind
Everything we said was twisted around
Making us wonder if we were going unsound
Any simple act of neighbourly kindness
Was interpreted as a sign of weakness
The unpleasantness got louder
And neighbourly interactions rowdier
We experienced this for two long years
Living in a state of stress driven by all kinds of fears
Till one day when we could stand it no longer
And stepped out to show them who was stronger
We approached the local law keepers
And recounted all our grievances
Without omitting the details of our horrific experiences
Immediate action was taken
Our recalcitrant neighbours were summoned and berated
That no further complaints would be tolerated
That this was their final chance to reform
Or else they risked facing societal scorn
Hopefully they will from ignominy now refrain
And let us lead normal lives again

Sandra Martyres