C. P. Sharma - Awake, O Man, Awake

2014-11-08 6

When I am on Polo Ground
Many a poem I have found
Friend Krishana there I meet
Him with a new query I greet.

Today, on my morning walk
I had with him a hearty talk
I put him two questions straight
Cows eat grass & man meat ate?

In turn on his face was a smile
He said, ‘it is all a past profile’
In ‘Karmic’ cycle he revealed
Seeds of the next birth sealed.

Cows were ‘Gopis’ in the past
In devotion they were ever cast
Of my pure love they had vibe
So, charity & kindness imbibed.

Man was a ferocious beast
On animal’s meat did feast
Tooth & nail stained in blood
So, his brain has violence stud.

Now he is the cleverest beast
From a distance on blood feasts
Satan’s friendship harbored Hell
Around the world is terror spell.

Like Yaduvanshis he is cursed
His own race he will traverse
Means of destruction he found
In a nuclear supersonic sound.

O man, still there is time, awake! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Give up ego and the nuclear stake
This is Krishan’s last peace plan
Of self-annihilation save the clan.

C. P. Sharma


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