Ruerd Visser - A poets dream

2014-11-08 3

Deducated to Ahmad Shidiqqi a fellow poet here at poemhunter.

O you builder of bridges of love and light,
with well written verses to our delight.
You shed some light on this world of ours,
even though there is a slight concern.
Could it be real one might say,
people from all over the world conecting,
sharing, loving growing.
Cros the bridge reach the others side,
join in on a celebration:
Paradise lost becomes a second paradise,
thanks to the man from the land of the
silent force.
Think of it to no avail that his work should fail,
led astray from a shining presence.
His passion for life is the only remains,
of the paradise lost.
Let he be remembered as a daring soul,
who sought to overcome the darkness.
Realising the unity we have longed for
for a lifetime.
Thanks to his verses sumoned up
with lightsspeed!
We are guided by the angels,
and protected by the divine order
of things.

Ruerd Visser

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