Lonnie Hicks - Day Dreaming

2014-11-08 3

I day dream most times
day and night
and come back to
This Reality
with a Start.

Day-Dream world
pleases me;
and there
many of my lives
converge and mingle.

Is it so wrong to live there
much of my day?
To wrap my Soul
in that world and play?

So many of the things
I love
only reside there
what harm
can there be with
loving and being with
that pleasing Reality?

Swapping day Dream World
for work
and this Harsh Life
only a proposition
one might accept
who likes harsh.

I do not.

I like rainbows
and pretty things
and they
all live
and sing
in my Day Dreams.
You can find me there
by singing.

Lonnie Hicks
