Dulce et decorum est...............
Pro patria mori
You praise the dead hero
pro patria mori
and sanctify his name
in vain and false glory
but let it be said
by one who fought
with the dead
that there is no truth
in these words that
you have said...........
.....dulce et decorum
est pro patria mori
You say of the one that has died
that with dying breath he cried
that he was honoured to go
protecting you from your foe
but you did not see
the look of fear in his eye
as he bravely prepared to die
No, it was' nt a hail
you heard from his lips
but a long painful wail
as he called for his wife and his child
and begged to live and grow old
I salute you dead comrade
wherever it is that you lay
I am sure if were with us today
you would'nt echo these words
that they say
.....dulce et decorum
est pro patria mori
robert delucchi