Hello Day, I see you’ve come again
You’ve proven yourself such a worthless friend
Now I wonder why you keep coming around,
Though you speak, you never seem to make a sound
Hello Sun, I see you’ve come back
Maybe this time you’ll make up for what you lack
Now I wonder why you keep rising so joyfully to the sky
As you watch your friends on the ground flounder and die
Hello Night, I see you’ve come again
Though I can’t truthfully say you’re a godsend
Every breath you take is a waste of air
You speak so much, but never voice care
Hello moon, I see you’ve come back
Maybe this time you won’t stray from your track
Every move you make stands in my way
You move so much, equally I pay
Hello Friend, I see what you lack
When I asked for your help, you turned your back
Every good word you filled with a lie
You watch when I live, but close your eyes as I die.
Ronny Self