Fay Slimm - Outbreak.

2014-11-08 1

Where to run to - where to hide
With flames engulfing all.
Horror stalks the mountainside.
Ash, like snowfakes starts to fall.

Horrendous heat, must make escape.
The winds are gale-force strong.
Leave the homestead, only take
The basics, - before long
It will be gone - no time to think.

Life is in danger here.
All around is on the brink
Of inferno - fire brings fear.
Racing now, the flames are higher.
Trees alight, - will I escape
This terrifying firey
Malastrom, this outbreak
Straight from hell? , - my land
Victoria is burning.

I see a welcome hand
To safety now - I cant return
But bless the folk who came
To rescue me - those they lost
They would have helped the same.

Brave souls as these should be
Remembered, not for today
But always - just to see
Them fighting in this way.
Fire breaks out, - they're there.
Firefighters care.

Tribute to the bravery of the firefighters in Victoria (Australia) - Feb. '09

Fay Slimm


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