Dislocated Heart - Damn...

2014-11-08 1

Ever been so speechless.. that everything just stops at your throat?
choking on each word.. and on every note.
removing the memories.. but still feeling that needle?

Take a hot shower, after a long run from home,
as the water hits your bak, you feel it slide down..
as memories replay.. with all the sounds..
From the first.. to the last..

Unsteady heartbeat that seem to race against the wind..
hands tremble, as you step out.. dry off..
gotten dress.. out that door..
a form of release..
then.. that memory.. of that smile..
that foolish smile you had..
when she made you so happy..

damn.. That Is me.

(thoughts came to mind.. as my night ends.. into the morning sunrise..)

Dislocated Heart
