RIC S. BASTASA - .....i am imitating you

2014-11-08 2

.... let me flatter a friend (or is she.... a foe?)

....i am imitating him. Oh i want a color....red?

or......blue? I'll take something else..........green?

how about trees? apple trees for a background.
how about sighs? for some sounds.
how about... yes.....moans.... lots of moans.....
sex? could you?

.....you are bored and old and.....dying? ....are you?

how about cheese? lots of cheese
oh i love fumodoro tomatoes? lots of sauce.

i love being with you.
I love doing things with you inside the room.
Let me have you.
Please stay.
I still have lots of cheese, and tomatoes,
and apple trees, and reds and greens, and...


