Patricia Martin - Don't Be Deceived! ! !

2014-11-08 1

Friend, Take Heed!
That no One Deceives You!
If anyone says unto you Jesus is here!
or there! Believe Not!
Because once You're Born-again
The Holy Spirit Comes with-in
Jesus Christ will come from the Air!
God's Word States, There shall come arise,
Of False Christ's and False Prophets
Great signs and Wonders shall appear!
If it were possible
It could even deceive the Very Elect
But Don't Fret! Stay in God's Word!
Study The Holy Bible and Memorize Scriptures
Read from Genius to Revelation
God's Word is For His Whole Creation,
God's Word Speaks Truth! His Divine Word!
Take Heed of what You've Heard
Because Jesus Christ is Coming!
With All Power And Glory! Praise God!

Patricia Martin