As the night begins to fall
I hear a sweet luscious call
Is my fragile heart to blame
For melting with her call of my name
She walks past turning on her groove
Leaving me paralysed and unable to move
If only she knew how long I have waited for this moment
I met her after all the pain, sorrow and torment
Life had so many questions that I couldn’t answer
Yet she came like a cure for an incurable cancer
I don’t know how to explain this feeling
Its my heart and soul that she’s stealing
Love is when she isn’t there
Your lost and in despair
Out in the cold you reach her arms and fulfil your cravings
Only in her arms you reach the safest of havens
Her hair feels like the softest silk
Her skin white as the purest milk
Her voice so soothing to listen to
Her words full of wisdom that are true
Her slightest touch tells me it isn’t wrong
Her love for me beating ever so strong
Her face staring at me, I see at the beginning of the day
Our love will remain when all else will fade away
Your my love, my life, my other half and my identity
I promise you my love our love will stay for eternity
Yassar Ali