vern eaker - A homeless man

2014-11-08 20

I see him sit at the bus stop
Still remains, as the bus leaves
Hair askew, stubble on face
Perspiration and soil stain his sleeves
Shoes don’t match no laces in place

Looking very ragged and pale
Eyes red and weary. Expressionless
Lights half a cigarette and takes a drag
Sipping his beer from a paper bag

People giving way as they pass by
The obviously homeless guy
Speaking to them all, he gives a holler
Asking for a single dollar

Few give change hoping to appease
He stands and bows thanking these
Hours pass, and night time near
Smiling, happy set for his next beer

Moving along a limp in his step
Returning with new bottle in bag
Lights half a cigarette, takes a drag
Laying on the bench content he slept

vern eaker