Dr Kamran Haider Bukhari - Quest

2014-11-08 1

God’s hands
My soles
I’ve been walking
This divine path
Since ages

I try to make things better
But it always turns to be worse
I try to win Your heart my God
But it always goes in vain

You made me wise and compassionate
Blessed me with the pain unknown
Showered Your tears on me when I cried
Smiled with me when joy was at my door

I am very poor and meek
I err, err and always err
I fall in the dark burrows of lust
I run after the worldly desires

I came at Your door again
I thought now my quest would end
And I would kiss Your feet untouched
When I reached there
I found no one
Except a sign board
“You are late”

Jan 15,2009

Dr Kamran Haider Bukhari
