Ted Sheridan - Speed Trap Catches Old Man Behaving 60 in a 40

2014-11-08 1

I like to write poetry
about that which ponders
my spirit and my soul.
That which stumps my brain
as well as my toe.
When you get to be my age
the square looks more like
an octagon and you'd
do anything
to break free of the confinement.
The borderlines protecting you
appear like double yellow lines
warning you not only
of on coming traffic
but passing
anyone who is unfortunate
enough to be in front of you.
A speed trap camera records your every move
and sends you a summons to appear in court
so you might reflect on the insanity
of your cancers and your many blessings
as they forcibly change your oil and filter….

2009 © TS

Ted Sheridan


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