Do the basics change every year?
every month week or day
every hour, minute or second?
Do they change as I cross
the boundary of a land
or boundary of age?
Now a days I often confuse
if basics are all alterable!
befitting the size of users!
I often ask myself if
my basics are different than yours!
If I need to replenish my old sets!
Often I also think, keep thinking
if I should fight for my basics
Or give them up for yours.
Because I'm but compelled
very hard for changing my sets,
to sustain, to breath freely!
Now I nearly agree with you
almost on every issue that
they are not ever the same for all.
Basics are often changed I see
Agreeing with I get changed I see
Drifting, floating, sinking my soul I see.
© Palas Kumar Ray.All rights reserved.
Palas Kumar Ray