Linda Winchell - 'I Wonder How Long I Will Live? '

2014-11-08 1

I wonder how long I'm gonna live?
How long my life is going to be?
Will I suffer when I'm going out?
I wonder what the end for me will be?

I've used more than seventy five percent of life
I'm in my sixties now ya know?
And I've really been thinking about some things
like just how I'm going to go.

Don't mean to sound morbid
But it is just a fact of life.
When your getting up there in your years
you start to feel deaths fear and plight.

You start to listen to your heart beats
wondering just when or if they're gonna, 'STOP! '
Or if something in your head or body
is finally gonna to, 'POP! '

So if one day you notice I'm not posting
all of the poems that I once did.
You will know that something happened
and that I had loved the life I lived!

Linda Winchell